2007年11月25日 星期日

Video Games Live 創立者 Tommy Tallarico 給台灣樂迷的訊息!

目前連署小組正與Video Games Live的創立者Tommy Tallarico先生有不錯的連繫。當他知道台灣有樂迷的討論板以後,因為無法使用中文留言,所以請連署小組轉述他想告訴台灣樂迷的訊息,就是大家所看到的英文部份:

"Hello! Thank you so much for taking an interest in Video Games Live. I have never been to Taiwan but I'm looking forward to going there sometime in 2008. It has been my goal for the past 18 years that I have been writing video game music to spread it all over the world. This is the reason I created Video Games Live in the first place. So to see everyone in here trying to help spread the news of Video Games Live makes me very emotional and happy. Thank you for your support and I hope to meet everyone very soon!"

Tommy Tallarico
Video game composer
Creator - Video Games Live


大家好!非常感謝你們對Video Games Live感興趣。雖然我從來沒到過台灣,但我非常期望2008年可以去那裡。我從18年前就開始編寫遊戲音樂,目標就是將這些音樂推向全世界,這也是我創立Video Games Live的原因。看到你們在台灣努力地宣傳有關Video Games Live的消息,我非常感動也非常地高興。感謝你們的支持,希望可以趕快見到你們!

Tommy Tallarico
Video Games Live 創立者

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